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The Importance of
Trade Finance

Foreign Exchange Administration (FEA) RULES

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Professional Trainer & Consultant


Zolkifli is a Certified Training Professional (CTP) and HRDF Certified Trainer (No. TTT/9506) with almost 40 years of experience in the banking industry. His area of specialization in Trade Finance & Foreign Exchange Administration (FEA) Rules has made him a Trainer and Consultant for the banking industry and the business sectors.. His involvement with Asian Institute of Chartered Banker (AICB)) as a member on some of their projects, among which are: -
• Board of Examiners as Examination Reviewer for International Trade Finance Paper
• International Chamber of Commerce as Task Force of UCP600
• Tutor for various AICB examination subjects.


In addition, he has also published and contributed articles related to Trade financing to the STAR newspaper. Besides AICB, He is also associated with Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) for Seminars on Financial facilities and Export Assistance for Manufacturers and his involvement in the liberalization of Exchange Control of Malaysia (ECM - now known as Foreign Exchange Administration Rules) due to currency crisis in 1998 and active participation and good working relationship with Bank Negara Malaysia towards the subsequent liberalizations of the Rules have made him an expert in this area, too.


As a Training Consultant for Asian Banking School (ABS) specializing in his subject matter expert on Foreign Exchange Administration Rules & Trade Finance courses from January 2016 to March 2017 Zolkifli has conducted almost 50 in-house trainings  to Ambank Group, Maybank, RHB Bank Berhad, BNP Paribas, Bangkok Bank Berhad, RHB Bank Berhad, Bank of America KL, JP Morgan, Al-Rajhi Banking Group and various public programmes attended by various banks. Zolkifli has also conducted 2-day training on Trade Finance for Senior Analysts of Foreign Exchange Administration Department of Bank Negara Malaysia.
After his stint in ABS, he was a Vice President of a foreign bank heading the Trade Review Department until he finally retired from the banking industry on September 20th, 2018, and with the importance of knowledge on Trade-Based Money Laundering (TBML), he is also able to assist you in conducting training on creating awareness on Trade based money laundering including trade finance red flags. 

He is currently a registered trainer for London Institute of Banking & Finance (LIBF) and a tutor for preparatory class on Professional Banker - International Trade Finance. 

You are most welcomed to browse through the webpage for topics on training programs and other interesting topics, viz. glossary, case studies and trade quiz. For more information and enquiries, please email: or contact mobile no. 016-2805145 or browse for list of training programs.

Happy day!!
With warmest regards,


+6 016280 5145


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